Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Race Is On!

During our trip, my sister-in-law, Leah, and I exchanged text messages, just checking up on each other like "where r u" or "how's the weather" etc.  Well, when we were leaving Grand Junction, we got a text from Leah, "Brian says last one there is a rotten egg!"  Now if you know my husband, if you give him a challenge he will do anything to win.  THE RACE IS ON!  Now I'm not saying that we obeyed all speed limits, but there was a time or two that we did.  After a while, Leah text: "our gps says 13 min".  Our GPS said 11 miles. It was getting close.  Of course, we get behind a semi and another slow truck. We found our turn off and got on the street our house is on.  I told Tom to go straight, but the GPS said to turn right, so, of course he went right!  The house isn't on this street!  It's on the street that I told Tom to go on in the first place!  I felt like I was on the Amazing Race!  We turn on the street that our house is on but now coming from the other direction and we see Brian & Leah's car coming from the opposite direction!  I screamed, "There they are!"  We found the house and pulled into the driveway literally 2 seconds before Brian & Leah!  We Won!   

I love Brian's reaction!

Picturesque Drive

After leaving Grand Junction, most of our drive was along the Colorado River and was so beautiful. We stopped at this rest area called, No Name Rest Area.  It was right along the river.  It was gorgeous!  We made a quick pit stop and took some pictures!

Grand Junction

So, when we got back from our Sonic experience, we went back to our "Quality" hotel and saw this scene out of our room window!  Who needs to watch "Cops" when we have this going on right outside our room.  I'm sure to get a good night sleep!

I reserved a suite at a Quality Inn to accommodate all of us.  I thought we were getting a hide a bed, but wait, there's a note...

Of course, we had to bring a computer or two, or three...

Included in our stay was a wonderful breakfast.  We even had a chief making crepes to our liking!

Topped with whipped cream!  Yummm!

Now off to Breckenridge!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Breckenridge or Bust!

We loaded up the car and headed east.  Tom, myself, Kimberly, Ben and Kevin left early in the morning (4 a.m.) and our destination was Breckenridge, Co.  There we  were to meet my side of the family to celebrate my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary.  This has been in the making for over a year and it's finally here!  We drove over 10 hours and spent the first night in Grand Junction, Co.  After driving around Grand Junction finding  a place to eat, we found Sonic.  This was my first Sonic experience!!

It wasn't bad!

Monday, June 22, 2009

A mouse on our House!

I was sitting on my couch the other morning and saw this mouse climbing on my shepherd's hook with hanging baskets, then it jumped on to the post apparently looking for something.  I grabbed my camera...

Usually people set out traps for these situations, but no...

...that wouldn't be as fun as trying to shoot it!  Actually, a couple days later, Elmer Fudd shot the mouse. (Sorry, I don't have pictures of that)

Sunday, June 21, 2009


This is my mother's rhubarb plant.  It grows the best rhubarb.  I grew up in the Midwest, so I lived on rhubarb.  I think there's over a thousand different ways to make with rhubarb.  

One of my favorites is this rhubarb dessert with meringue on top.  There's no official name for this dish, just rhubarb dessert with meringue on top.  When my sister-in-law came out from Minnesota, she brought along a bunch of rhubarb for me!  What a treat!  So, I made the famous dessert.  We had Bible study at our house that night, so I thought I would make for that. So I dug out my parent's church cookbook (they make the best cookbooks) and found the recipe.

This is what rhubarb looks like.  I kind of looks like a celery stalk but has a bitter taste so everything you make with rhubarb you need to add a lot of sugar.

So first thing is to wash and cut the rhubarb:

You need 4 cups of diced rhubarb:

Mix 1 cup flour, 2 Tbsp sugar, 1/2 cup butter:

Mix until crumbly:

Pat in 8 X 11 greased pan:

Bake for 10 minutes in 325 degree oven:

In the meantime:
Separate 3 eggs, keeping the egg whites chilled to use for the meringue.

Beat 3 eggs:

Add 2 cups sugar:

4 level Tbsp. flour, 3/4 cup of cream:

Mix well and pour over diced rhubarb:

Pour over baked crust (you do not have to cool the crust):

Bake for 45 minutes:

In the mean time, whip up the meringue:

Beat the three egg whites:

Add 5 Tbsp. of sugar:

Beat until egg whites form stiff peaks:

After it bakes, spoon the meringue on the rhubarb mixture:

Bake 12 minutes or until golden brown:

Cool and serve!

I hardly had time to take a picture before it was gone.  It was a hit at our Bible study, even to some one who kind of pulled a face when I mentioned it was rhubarb, she liked it, she really liked it!  It's one of my favorites growing up and if you ever get a hold of some really good rhubarb, you should make this!

Big Bear Visit

When my brother and sister-in-law came out for a visit, I took them up to Big Bear to visit our uncle and aunt who recently moved up there.  It was a great and relaxing time!

Even Kevin came up to visit Isaac...

Rog & Glenda recently took a job working at a Christian Camp.  We took a tour.  It was gorgeous!

Ahhh!  Our last stop, an ice cream cone at the Village in Big Bear.