Friday, January 20, 2012

Kitchen Remodel Part 3

Some walls are going up and some are coming down!

This is the big beam to support the roof since the wall between the family room and kitchen is gone.

Tom checking out Jeff's fine work!

This is the addition with new walls.  The window to the right will be above my kitchen sink.  The window straight ahead is on the right side of the stove.

View from the back of the house.

Looking down the side of the house with one window.  There will be another window on the other side of the stove.

The view from my kitchen sink!

Stay tune!  More to come!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Kitchen Remodel, Part 2

This is the progress so far.  It's happening so fast!

This is Tom taking out the tile.

The artwork is gone, the wall is gone!

I'll keep you posted on the progress!

Kitchen Remodel, Part 1

This is was my kitchen...

For the last 4 to 5 years we talked about remodeling our kitchen.   
It's not a bad kitchen, but things were falling apart.

We are going to "bump" this wall out so it will be as wide as family room.

This is looking towards the dining room.   

This doorway is to the family room.

This wall is coming out.

This wet bar will be my new desk!

This wall is coming out!

This slider will be coming out, and the addition of the kitchen will be "bumped" out into the patio area.

This is the patio area where we will extend out kitchen.

This is where the new kitchen addition will be.

Now forward weeks later, we emptied the kitchen and the family room.  Ben & Kimberly came to help move stuff and we graffitied the wall that was going to be removed.  I thought they did a great job!

 The artwork is gone, but I'm glad I took a picture!