Monday, November 24, 2008

Morro Bay

About 15 miles north of San Luis Obispo is a fishing wharf town called Morro Bay. This is another placed we've visited in the past with the kids. We have memories of camping, running on the beach, the kids playing on the playground at the park here and eating fish and chips on the wharf. It was a gorgeous day when we went, I don't remember it being such beautiful weather here.

Yes, those are seals!
I have video! I would love to show you, but haven't figured out how to upload it!

Coming soon!

OK!  It finally worked!  The only bad part is that it's only good the first third of the video.  It was a new camera and I was still figuring out how it worked.  But it was so neat seeing all those seals swimming right in front of us! 

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