Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Deal of the Century!

Like most women, I  like to go shopping.  I love to find bargains or better yet, clothes that fit!!
Or how about clothes that fit and are a bargain.  Well, I went to Ann Taylor Loft at the posh El Paseo in Palm Springs and bought a pair of jeans and a shirt.  They were marked down with an additional 25% off !  So, here were the mark downs:

Here was the total bill:

They even asked me if I wanted to open an Ann Taylor credit card and save another 15%!  Wow!  How can a person resist?!?!  Well, after a 2 second lull, I declined the additional 15%, told the cashier how excited I was with my bargain and that I was going to blog about it!  I wish I took a picture of the look on his face!  That would have been priceless.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What the HECK?

I'm sure you're wondering "what the heck?"  That's what I said when I entered the garage wondering what my husband was up to all day!!!  He took my Adirondack chair that I was going to sell on a garage sale and made it into his "Carlsbad chair"!  Now you're wondering "what the heck?"  Well, we've gone camping at Carlsbad, which is by the beach.  We get ocean front campsites, which is on a bluff.  There is a chain link fence that separate you and the bluff and the view is breathtaking.  The last time we went camping there, my husband, Tom (think of Tim, the Tool Man Taylor) put a lawn chair on top of the picnic table so he can look OVER the fence and see the ocean.   When he saw my chair sitting there ready for a garage sale, he had an idea, "I'm going to make that into my Carlsbad chair."    Can you imagine that thing in the back of the pickup or better yet on top of our trailer heading down the freeway to Carlsbad!  Beverly Hillbillies, here we come!  

Ok.  He made me risk my life and climb up on that contraption!  Then he puts Roxy up there and she's shaking like a leaf  and thinking, "Get me the heck down!"

So, I'm smiling a little, but I'm shaking my head (you just can't see that!)  Actually it's pretty comfortable but I'm not telling him that!  Paleeeezee!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Dirty Windows

Ok, there's not much worse than lying on the couch because you're feeling nauseated and no energy and then the sun shines through the window and I see this!  I can only thank our pool sweep on the highest power, it likes to flip it's tail and mess up my windows!  Oh, well, at least we have sunshine here!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Better Than McDonalds!

My husband came home (for a short break) after working over 50 hours in three days with less than 6 hours of sleep.  He was hungry and needless to say very tired.  So I made him one of his favorites; an egg muffin sandwich.  I make these quite a bit. I usually keep most of the ingredients in the house so I can just whip up a couple of these  puppies up.

Here are the stars of the show:

Eggs, butter, English muffins, cheese slices, and Canadian Bacon, eh!

First, melt a couple of tablespoons of butter in a frying pan.  Make sure it's one that's not completely round and looks like it's been dropped!

Next, crack a couple of eggs in the pan.

I like to take a knife and break the yokes.  This makes the yoke cook faster and the egg will be flat.

After they have cooked for a little bit, carefully separate the eggs and flip them over and try not to curse when you do this...

...because it never works quite right for me.  Not pretty!

Add the slices of Canadian bacon so they start to warm up on the egg.  Turn the heat down.

In the meantime, drop an English muffin in the toaster.

Butter them as soon as they pop out of the toaster.

Put a slice of cheese on top of the bacon, turn the heat off.

Cover for a few minutes and the cheese will melt.  It doesn't take much!

Plop the egg concoction on the buttered muffins,

They might not be as pretty as McDonalds, but I think they are better, at least that what my family says!
Anything for my hard working husband!

Two thumbs up!  Now get some sleep!

They're gone...again!

The kids went back to college.  They've been home for a month and even tho it was great having them around, it was time. Time to get back on a schedule.  Time for them to wake up before noon!  Time for them to get their own food!  Time for the TV not to be on "One Tree Hill or "What Not To Wear"!  Kimberly left yesterday and Kevin left a few hours ago.  I know, they too, were looking forward to going back. It was time...

Their rooms are clean again, I can see the bathroom floor (noticed i didn't waste any time), towels and sheets are being washed.

Back to my emptynesting life!!  We're planning on visiting the kids this Tuesday night and taking them out for dinner!  I can't wait to see them again!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

They come back!

Being an emptynester isn't all that bad.  Sure I miss the kids, but I don't miss this:

My son has been home for a month for Christmas break (some break!)  He's washed his clothes one time and I ended up folding his laundry and putting it away.  The new me is not helping him this time.   I refuse!  I hope I can hold up...but I can't stand it...

...he goes back to school tomorrow.  I'm going to miss not seeing the floor, the unmade bed, the smell!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Queen of the House

So I went to Costco and got this bed for Roxy.  I put it by the slider and she laid in it all afternoon.  I think she likes it!!!

It Got Me!

I really thought I was going to be missed by the "cold bug", but it got me!  I could feel it coming on Tuesday and by the end of the day my nose and head felt like it would explode!  Yesterday I was in my pj's and in bed most of the day!  This is unheard of!  I'm feeling somewhat better today.  I took a shower and managed to go to Costco.  I just keep popping the DayQuil, Airborne and Tylenol and hope this will go away soon!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Because we Can!

Yesterday was just a gorgeous day here in So. Calif - about 75 degrees!  During the month of January is the time you need to trim your rose bushes way back.  So we did that, and other yard work.

It's hard to imagine that these bushes will be in full bloom in a few months.  Usually around the end of April, early May, they will have beautiful blooms!  I hope to blog about that!!  

After working hard in the yard, we rewarded ourselves, heating up the spa and having margaritas!

I don't mean to rub this in to all those who are waist deep in that cold white stuff, but if you just want to get on a plane and get the heck out there, we have a couple for empty bedrooms and you too can join us in the spa with margaritas!  Why???


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Visit at Rog & Glenda's

We had a wedding to go to in Escondido on Saturday afternoon.  After the wedding we went to Rog & Glenda's for dinner.  Bobby, Rachel and Caleb were there.  It was great to see them.  We had so much fun with Caleb and he got plenty of attention.  Rachel is due at the beginning of Feb. She looks great!  Jim & Carol were there too, it was good to see them also!

Glenda, Me, and Carole

Tom teaching Caleb how to hit a car off a sombrero with a plastic bat!

Tom & Caleb eating ice cream.

Caleb, Ben & Kimberly playing puzzles.

Just hanging out, telling stories!

Jim, Glenda & Carole

Only Grandma can comfort Caleb!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

After spending New Years Eve with  friends we decided to meet for breakfast at Mimi's.  It was a great way to start 2009!