Sunday, January 11, 2009

They're gone...again!

The kids went back to college.  They've been home for a month and even tho it was great having them around, it was time. Time to get back on a schedule.  Time for them to wake up before noon!  Time for them to get their own food!  Time for the TV not to be on "One Tree Hill or "What Not To Wear"!  Kimberly left yesterday and Kevin left a few hours ago.  I know, they too, were looking forward to going back. It was time...

Their rooms are clean again, I can see the bathroom floor (noticed i didn't waste any time), towels and sheets are being washed.

Back to my emptynesting life!!  We're planning on visiting the kids this Tuesday night and taking them out for dinner!  I can't wait to see them again!

1 comment:

knolenik said...

Awesome rooms Dawn! I need your help... I could seriously use some pointers on Home decor!