Sunday, January 4, 2009

Visit at Rog & Glenda's

We had a wedding to go to in Escondido on Saturday afternoon.  After the wedding we went to Rog & Glenda's for dinner.  Bobby, Rachel and Caleb were there.  It was great to see them.  We had so much fun with Caleb and he got plenty of attention.  Rachel is due at the beginning of Feb. She looks great!  Jim & Carol were there too, it was good to see them also!

Glenda, Me, and Carole

Tom teaching Caleb how to hit a car off a sombrero with a plastic bat!

Tom & Caleb eating ice cream.

Caleb, Ben & Kimberly playing puzzles.

Just hanging out, telling stories!

Jim, Glenda & Carole

Only Grandma can comfort Caleb!

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