Thursday, August 20, 2009


So, a couple of months ago my soon to be 19 year old son said he wanted to go skydiving. Well, I wasn't too surprised because since he was at the age he could hold a ball he wanted to play every sport imagine even though some didn't involve a ball!  He had a big birthday party and thanks to some really special girls, he received a big chunk of money to put towards skydiving.  So the day fianlly arrived.  I really wanted to go and see what it's all about, and just in case if something happened, I would be there.  Not that I thought for a minute that something would happen..but just in case!  It turned out that Tom, Kimberly and myself went to meet up with Kevin and his friends.  Kevin's friend, Matt, also wanted to take the jump.  Well, it was a long day because we had to wait...
and wait...
we would watch other groups fall from the sky...

wait some more...
good thing I found a deck of cards in the car...
wait some more...
went to Starbucks...

good thing the girls were there to keep us entertained...
I needed to check out the plane and take some pics, even tho I wasn't suppose to be over there...

the model pose...
Kevin's photo/video guy filming Kevin saying that he loves his mother and thanks her for allowing him to experiece this very dangerous "sport".
Oh, by the way, here are a few instructions...
more instructions...
His tantum partner...
Good by, Kevin,  I love you!!
any last words, Kevin?
second thoughts???
here we go, keep your head up...
finally, the jump!
free fall = 120 mph for 6,000 ft...

Thank God the parachute opened...

They made it...

A thrill of a lifetime!  

They are already talking about doing it again.  I don't know if this mom can take it!

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